jemdoc – vim, make
Vim syntax highlighting
Here is a vim syntax file jemdoc.vim. You should download it to ~/.vim/syntax/. You may also need to add the following lines in your ~/.vimrc:
Additional ~/.vimrc lines
filetype plugin on augroup filetypedetect au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.jemdoc setf jemdoc augroup END " Last line is for proper wrapping of jemdoc lists, etc. autocmd Filetype jemdoc setlocal comments=:#,fb:-,fb:.,fb:--,fb:..,fb:\:
Here's a small example of a Makefile. A listing of it follows.
This file would be used as follows:
Edit index.jemdoc and otherpage.jemdoc at will.
Type make in the same directory, and files html/index.html and html/otherpage.html will be updated as necessary.
Type make update and your files will be copied to the server.
Type make clean and old html files in html/ will be removed.
Rinse and repeat.
Makefile example
DOCS=index otherpage HDOCS=$(addsuffix .html, $(DOCS)) PHDOCS=$(addprefix html/, $(HDOCS)) .PHONY : docs docs : $(PHDOCS) .PHONY : update update : $(PHDOCS) @echo -n 'Copying to server...' # insert code for copying to server here. @echo ' done.' html/%.html : %.jemdoc MENU jemdoc -o $@ $< .PHONY : clean clean : -rm -f html/*.html