jemdoc – example page
If the first line of the file starts with # jemdoc, special functions like menus will be used.
Here are some text features. I could link somewhere or insert a raw link to another page like download.html. I could use monospace, too.
I could write special characters like #, $ and + by just using a backslash (\) in front of those characters. Or automatically detect an email address.
Save the file as index.jemdoc, say, and simply call jemdoc index (after downloading jemdoc, of course).
Next bit, next heading level two
Getting into level three now
Why not use a list
to explain the way you do lists?
to demonstrate how a line
break might work?
Or perhaps a
Numbered list
Is more
- Definition
lists, especially when there are many definitions
- Can be useful
for explaining things
Finally, a few more blocks
This ‘section’ features “smart quotes”.
This is a simple text block, with a title. Notice how the previous line has only one set of braces ({}).
>>> print 'Interactive Python code.'
'Interactive Python code.'
Plain code block with no title.
You might need 2–3 different-sized dashes — they can be useful. Now we're done!